Do you care about Increasing clinical efficiencies?

Our solutions help to close care gaps by improving your clinic’s efficiency and standard of care. 

Everyone deserves access to healthcare

Are long wait times and limited access to healthcare services affecting your patients? Our cutting-edge SaaS solution is designed to revolutionize how healthcare is delivered, ensuring that more patients can see a doctor without unnecessary delays.

With our platform, you can:

  • Reduce Wait Times: Utilize advanced scheduling and telemedicine features to ensure timely appointments for your patients.
  • Expand Access: Connect with more patients, including those in remote or underserved areas, through seamless virtual consultations.
  • Enhance Patient Satisfaction: Improve patient outcomes and satisfaction by providing prompt and efficient care.
  • Optimize Operations: Streamline your administrative processes, allowing you to focus more on patient care and less on paperwork.


Join the healthcare revolution today and make a meaningful impact on patient care. Our SaaS solution empowers you to provide faster, more accessible healthcare, ensuring no patient is left waiting.

Marketing & Ecommerce

Subscriptions, one-time orders, plans & promotions, consent and analytics.

Patient intake

Notice of privacy and consent, insurance documentation, medical history and customizable patient data.

Health records

Documents management, health charts & metrics tracking, PDF filling & signing.

Medical programs

Templated treatment plans that support appointments management, training & prescriptions with multiple provider roles.


Works with internal and external pharmacies, internal order lifecycle automation, automated refill & follow-up appointment timing.

Appointment scheduling

Staff availability & web meeting rooms, self booking with reminders, medication schedule integration.

Patient portal

Appointment management & notifications, integrated secure chat, metrics tracking & dashboard, records management.

security & privacy

Your patient’s information is a priority. Our system is designed to be fully HIPAA & PHIPA compliant, ensuring that your practice meets all regulatory requirements for handling protected health information (PHI). 

You can be confident that your clinic’s data is secure and compliant with industry standards, allowing you to focus on providing excellent care to your patients. 

Tailored to your clinic's needs

We understand that every clinic operates differently. We can tailor each solution to fit your  standard operating procedures. 

This customization allows doctors to work more efficiently, reducing administrative burdens and freeing up more time for patient care.

By optimizing your clinic’s workflow, our solution enhances overall operational efficiency, enabling you to deliver higher quality care to more patients.

Partner with us to create a system that not only supports your clinic’s goals but also elevates the standard of care you provide.

Requirements analysis

We'll work with you to assess your requirements.


Tailored scope of customization required that fits your budget.


We'll help you configure your programs, treatment plans, pharmacies and payment processors.

Support & Maintenance

You'll have access to the highest level of custom support and ongoing maintenance of your systems.